Commercial skipping

To enable automated commercial skipping, ensure that the comskip utility is installed and in your PATH environment variable. To tune how comskip detects commerical breaks in videos, a .ini file is used. video_utils provides an easy way to set the .ini file through the config file or an environment variable as discussed below.

Comskip INI file

By default, the .ini file included in the package (video_utils/config/comskip.ini) will be used for commercial skippping. To override this behavior, simply set the COMSKIP_INI_DIR environment variable and place the comskip.ini file you would like to use in that directory. For example, say you have a comskip.ini file in /path/to/comskip_inis/. Simply add the following line to your ~/.bashrc or ~/.bash_profile:

export COMSKIP_INI_DIR=/path/to/comskip_inis/

If you happen to have tuned .ini files for specific shows, you can also place those in the COMSKIP_INI_DIR directory and they will be used. However, the file names MUST match the Plex convention for TV Show series name [i.e., Series name (year)] or Movie [i.e., Movie name (year)] for the package to find them. If no matching series/movie .ini is found, then the package will fall back to the comskip.ini file in the directory. Note that all files MUST end with the .ini extension.

If code will be run under a user without a home directory, such as Linux where Plex typically runs under the plex user, one can add the environment variable definition to the /etc/profile file, which will define it for all user on the computer. You can also have it only defined for given users based on the uid. For example, if your plex user is uid 456, then you could add the following to /etc/profile:

# Add COMSKIP_INI environment variable if user plex (uid 456)
if [ "$(id -u)" -eq 456 ]; then
    export COMSKIP_INI_DIR=/path/to/comskip_inis

Note that you can set the COMSKIP_INI_DIR in the ~/.video_utils.yml file:

COMSKIP_INI_DIR : /path/to/comskip_inis

Settings in the ~/.video_utils.yml are overriden by environment variables.